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March 18, 2010
SEAs: South – East Asia Countries

Thailand and SEA countries are located on tropical zone; hot & high humidity,
One problem of crop cultivation is wilting, not only Solanaceae crops have severe,
Also Cucurbitaceae crops caused by Bacteria and/ or Fungi as instances

Bacterial Wilt Erwinia tracheiphila
Fusarium Wilt Fusarium oxysporum
Sclerotium Stem Rot Sclerotium rolfsii
Didymella Stem Rot Didymella lycopersici

And so on will be found future

Fresh vegetable production & seed production are very necessary industries of SEA countries,
SEAs growers always faced soil diseases in their field whole year round,
Especially wet season; 7 months a year circle

Besides, SEAs is emphatic region for seed production;
Few years ago, various tropical crops including Cucurbitaceae always found trouble wilting as mentioned above

SEAs growers have needed excellent wilting resistant varieties as much,
As you knew well breeding concept, resistant varieties may be less prolific line,
Just become rootstock is still be acceptable so that combined with good scions

Therefore, if you would extend your good varieties to SEAs, not only Cucurbit,
Please let Contact Us for more details and send sample seeds at Our Address for trials

Either or contact Clients who expert seedling supply in Thailand directly

February 12, 2010
Inthanon Seed Outsources, we are product trial arrangement and product evaluation specialist,
We glad to offer our services under your controllable operation as follow

Product Trial Arrangement and Product Evaluation
Quality Assurance and Grow Out Test
Seed Productivity Verification

Not only above tasks, we would offer other related services such as follow

Seed Production Coordination
Business Material Procurement
Business Supply – Unit Establishment
Marketing Event

FREE SERVICE for your expected products marketing in your expected slots;
Just send your commercial products in order to set up commercial plot in spotted markets,
Please see detail at below link

Products Commercialization

contact us for more details, questions and advices, visit us at our Home

Please acknowledge, we are assistant who would support and glad to see your business growing up as you expected as well

We hoped you will pleased our services and give us your advices to improve our better assistances and better continuously

Contact us or comment below

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