
Project Expenditures

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8,000 $/ 1 trial/ fiscal year
12,000 $/ 2 trials/ fiscal year
16,000 $/ 3 trials/ fiscal year

8,000 $/ 1 trial/ fiscal year

(Early – Rainy or Mid – Rainy or Dry Season)

Maximum 2,000 plants for any crops any varieties any replications for 1 trial a year,
2 $/ plant included if you need more samples

Just select which is most appropriate trial period

Working duration for leaf crops: 45 – 100 days after sowing,
Working duration for fruit crops: 60 – 200 days after sowing

12,000 $/ 2 trials/ fiscal year

(Early – Rainy and/ or Mid – Rainy and/ or Dry Season)

4,000 plants (2,000 plants + 2,000 plants)

Select which is most preferred condition then retrial in other

16,000 $/ 3 trials/ fiscal year

(Early – Rainy and Mid – Rainy and Dry Season)

6,000 plants (2,000 plants + 2,000 plants + 2,000 plants)

Recommended for 1st year trial in order to check comparative placed performance

Cost Worth for your capital expenditure

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