
Payment Term

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Please transfer necessary expenditure into bank account:

Siriwach Suansawat/ Bangkok Bank/ Saving Account/ Prachasamosorn Road/ Account No. 411 – 444187 – 8


Cheque payment to
Accessible Address

As referred cases;

1 trial/ fiscal year;

1) After quotation (Advance 50 %)
2) After pre – maturity stage (Overall 50 %)

2 – 3 trials/ fiscal year;

1) After quotation and/ or before 1st replication sowing
(Advance 50 % of 1st replication)
2) After 1st replication pre – maturity stage
(Other 50 % of 1st replication)
3) Before 2nd and 3rd sowing stage
(100 % of 2nd replication, 100 % of 3rd replication)

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Comparison Points > NEWS Box > Our Commitment and Expression > Project Expenditures >
Job Acknowledgement > Cost Worth

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